Makeup for Noobs

When it comes to makeup, I’m probably the noobiest of noobs. It’s just never been my thing, so my routine was pretty basic and when something wasn’t working, it just got cut. Recently though, I was getting frustrated looking at pics at date night or of me out at an event and thinking…wow, ew I did put on makeup right?! I needed a routine that I could do that was simple, easy, looked good (not overdone and caked on), pretty and natural, and something that stayed on! So…I recruited some help from the experts, Aunt Lisa and my cousin Hanna – they always help keep me in check with this type of stuff and I can always trust their suggestions. (Everyone needs an Aunt Lisa and cousin Hanna in your life…they keep things real, tell it like it is, tell you the truth even when it’s hard…or when you’re wearing a summer purse in the winter lol, and they truly have the biggest hearts)

Let’s get started!

My Biggest Mistakes:

  • Not cleaning my sponge foundation applicator
    • I used a sponge applicator in high school and found that it would make my skin break out like crazyyy. This was something that got cut from my routine because of it. It sounds obvious, but I had no idea they needed to be cleaned with soap, and if I did think of it, I think I worried that it would be too wet to use for the next few days, so I just didn’t.
  • Over-dunking the mascara wand
    • I actually learned this from the makeup artist from What Not To Wear a long time ago (remember that show?). If you over dunk your wand in the bottle it will dry out your mascara faster. She also said when applying mascara to move your wand side to side to get even coverage on your lashes.
  • Spreading, not blotting
    • I think this was where I’ve gone wrong with my foundation. I would apply with my fingers (later in life after ditching my sponge applicator) and would spread it so thin, that it wasn’t able to really fulfill it’s purpose to give me the coverage I wanted. I still use my fingers when I’m in a rush, like running out to the grocery store or something, but overall I’ve been learning for a good coverage is best to blot, not spread.
  • Not knowing that I should clean my brushes

My Skincare Routine:

It’s hard to talk about my makeup routine without first talking about my skincare routine. I am super passionate about having healthy radiant skin that I feel confident in. Many summer days I go without makeup and a good skincare routine helps me have that confidence to go without and still feel beautiful. Here is what I do to make that possible:

  • I pray over my skin regularly:
    • The Bible says that our words contain life and death and that we can speak to our mountain. In high school I would get huge under the skin boils. They were huge, awful, painful, and lasted a long time (like two weeks to fully go away). I tried all the products, Proactive included (which I feel like my skin became addicted to it and when I forgot a day, my skin would instantly break out), nothing really seemed to help.
    • When I learned the power of my words I began speaking over my skin every time I washed my face and every time I felt a blemish coming on. I speak that I have beautiful, healthy, radiant skin, I have a beautiful complexion, my pores are clean, clear and healthy. It’s amazing what it’s done for my skin.
  • Face Wash:
    • Drugstore Favorite: Olay Total Effects Refreshing Citrus Scrub
      • Things I like: gently exfoliates, freshness of the citrus, excellent clean
    • Higher End Favorite: Tula Purifying Face Cleanser
      • Note: This is high end for me, but I know it’s not for many people
      • Things I like: makes my skin feel pampered and fresh, the smell, the feel and look of my skin after using it, and it lasts a long time because a little goes a long way.
    • Exfoliator with Gel
  • Face Cream:
    • Tula Hydrating Day & Night Cream
      • Last year, I decided to give this a try and haven’t regretted it.
      • I put it on before bed or in the morning if I didn’t get good sleep
      • Smells really good and helps my skin bounce back and stay hydrated
  • Suncare:

Okay let’s get to the makeup!

My Makeup Routine

  1. Use a Beauty Blender to apply my foundation. Wet the beauty blender, and apply a little foundation to the blender then blot over face. I apply little bits of foundation to the beauty blender at a time so it’s not super thick when I apply it. After use, wet and clean the beauty blender with soap. This are great because they dry really quickly! Also, be sure to pick a foundation color that matches your skin as best as possible and one that’s good for your skin type. I love the one I used because it doesn’t feel like it’s clogging my pores.
  2. Apply Concealer. When you pick out your concealer, pick one that’s a few shades lighter than your skin tone. Dab under eyes until blended. I do this in a triangle shape, from the outside of my eye down a bit towards my nose, and then back up to my eye.
  3. Apply Bronzer. I apply my bronzer in a heart shape on my face – from the side of my forehead down below my cheekbones.
  4. Apply Blush. Apply blush to the top of your cheek bones.
  5. Apply Highlighter. Next to your eyes and I do the tip of my nose.
  6. Apply Eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil and mascara.
  7. Spritz Setting Spray. This helps set my makeup and makes me glamorous with it’s fresh mist before walking out the door.
  8. Put a bow on top with pretty lip color.

Bada-bing-bada-boom! Easy!

Products I use currently:

I’m no expert nor do I claim to be. I’m just a girl trying to figure things out and help others like me along the way. Hope this has helped give someone out there some ideas and affordable options for products to try. Find time to invest in yourself today!


5 thoughts on “Makeup for Noobs

  1. Great reading & maybe I should get a sponge applicator & blender brush!! Never too old to learn new tricks!!

    Blessings, Melinda C. Trost



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